How Full is your WELLness?

I spent this past weekend taking advantage of all the great things that the Interior Wellness Fair & Conference had to offer with two very special ladies and one very special rainbow baby. After spending three days at the conference I feel inspired, lighter (thanks to the acupuncture!), relaxed (thanks to the massage!) and most importantly, I feel well.

The intensity of this feeling of wellness comes as no surprise, since I was surrounded by all things I love for three full days. At the top of the list was the company I had to share the event with, then there was the intimate vibrations yoga class with live guitar and drumming, healthy food, an awesome seminar on holistic nutrition, the gem stones – so many GEM STONES! – and to top the weekend off, I attended a fantastic seminar on post-cancer treatment rehab (definitely the cherry on top!). If you have read even one of my blog posts before, you would know that these are all things that really makes my glitter shimmer!

Being surrounded by all things well topped up my cup so much that it overflowed, and then brought me to the realization that I do not have a wellness cup. A cup is simply too limiting! I feel much more satisfied believing that I have a wellness well (a “WELL”ness!). You can over fill a cup, and the substance that breaches the rim of it can no longer be utilized or stored in anyway. A cup has a certain capacity and once it is full, the act of filling it must stop. A well is different in that if it is placed in an area with proper soil, drainage and an adequate water level, it is self replenishing (in theory…). Similarly, if we are giving our bodies adequate attention in the form of exercise, nutrition, spirituality and and purpose, our WELLness will replenish and create balance in our lives.

In my experience, feeling well has the ability to alter my current priorities. It diminishes my need to buy that new trendy fall jacket or colourful tights, I forget why I was so obsessed with the idea of going to Mexico next month and my Netflix intake becomes nil. The material aspects of life melt away and I can clearly see myself, my body and my needs to feel a sense of overall nourishment. Some other side effects of a full WELLness are increased energy, inspiration, creativity and overall abundance (I know, terrible right?…).

This weekend forced me to take an honest inventory of my wellness, which showed me where and how my body is needing more attention. This is something that we must do with intention. We react to the feelings of hunger, thirst and fatigue on auto-pilot, but the feeling of depleted wellness is not as readily recognized by our busy minds.

It is important to check in with yourself on a regular basis – the frequency will be totally up to you and where your body finds balance. Energy flows where our intention goes. I have set an intention of checking in with my level of wellness each Monday morning (I started today!). My hubby, Travis, and I are usually out of town on the weekends, so as Monday is my first day back to my cherished morning rituals, it is an easy reminder for me to do this practice of reflection at this time. Find something that will be an easy reminder for you – maybe you chat with you mom or daughter every Sunday night, and you can do your wellness inventories together over the phone. Or perhaps a less frequent check in is all you need right now, and the act of paying your monthly rent or cell phone bill would be an effective reminder?  On the flip side, a quick check in each day while you pour your cup of joe or morning matcha may be where you find your groove!

Let your body tell you what it needs to be well, rather than you determining what it requires based on what “they” say. Don’t adhere to exercising for an hour three times a week, getting eight hours of sleep a night or eating 7-10 servings of fruits and vegetables a day because it is easier to do what “they” say rather than interpreting your individual needs. If your work life is demanding a lot from you this week, a cat nap or early bedtime will likely do a lot more for your body than that hour of spin class. If your body is fighting off a cold or infection, you may want to significantly increase that veggie intake (and afternoon naps)! Or, if you are caught up in the end-of-summer-blues, a strong workout everyday may help you kick the blues to the curb and regain your balance.

Exercise to be fit, eat to nourish, work to be meaningful, love to be fulfilled and be WELL with intention.

With love,


4 Comments Add yours

  1. Stormy says:

    That insthgi’s perfect for what I need. Thanks!


  2. Leslie says:

    Love your blog! Blessings & Gratitude


  3. Arlene says:

    Another inspirational post. I so look forward to reading your words of wisdom.


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